The Leaf of Life
Welcome to the official website of Taru Martani 1918
Enjoying a cigar is a lifestyle that ignites the spirit.
The cigar provides an exclusive, luxurious, and superior impression. The pleasure of a cigar lies in its taste, a distinctive sensation that can only be achieved with specific etiquette and judgment. Cigar enthusiasts create harmony between moments in their lives and their thoughts. Therefore, it takes a long journey and a high sense of gratitude to truly enjoy it.
With this philosophy, here at Taru Martani, we dedicate our work to crafting the finest cigars. To achieve the best taste quality, the production of each cigar undergoes a lengthy process with special treatment and control.
About Taru Martani
“Old but Gold” – Over a Century of Craftsmanship in the Indonesian Cigar Industry.
Taru Martani is one of the state-owned cigar factories located in Yogyakarta.
Currently, Taru Martani is under the ownership of the Yogyakarta Provincial Government. With approximately 270 employees, Taru Martani can produce up to 5 million cigars per year, with 70% of them being shipped to international markets such as the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, the United States, France, Switzerland, Australia, Asia, and Middle Eastern countries. The cigars that have been in production since 1918 are Senator and Mundi Victor. Currently, Taru Martani is also open to tourists.